About NNADAP Renewal Research

To support the First Nations Addictions Advisory Panel (FNAAP) in developing the Renewed Program Framework, four NNADAP Research Papers were commissioned to address key information needs within the program. To enhance the collaboration between these papers, a NNADAP Research Forum was hosted in February of 2009. NNADAP Research Papers The FNAAP has commissioned a series of four research papers on key information needs within NNADAP. Researchers will engage a variety of individuals who have involvement with NNADAP (community members, Elders, service providers, users and administrators, etc.) through a wide range of research methods (e.g., literature reviews, key informant interviews, talking circles). The synthesis of this information will be used to identify key priority areas within the program and to provide strategic direction for its renewal. The NNADAP Research Papers will focus on the following topics:
  • Cultural and Tradition within Addiction Services – Carol Hopkins
  • Improving Mental Health Services and Supports within NNADAP – Dr. Rod McCormick
  • Review of NNADAP’s Prevention Services – Dr. Heather Gifford
  • Historical Review of NNADAP – NNAPF, AFN & FNIHB
  • Systems Paper - Dr. Peter Menzies, Dr. Wayne Skinner, Dr. David Brown
The NNADAP Research papers are complete and are posted on this website. NNADAP Renewal/Mental Wellness Research ForumThe national partners of the NNADAP Renewal Process (i.e., AFN, NNAPF, and FNIHB) hosted a Research Forum in February 2009. The goals were to enhance collaboration and coordination, discuss linkages between the research papers, and to consider national implications of the research for the Renewed Program Framework. Evidence-based Interventions PaperTo provide additional research support on the NNADAP Renewal Process, Health Canada commissioned a report entitled, Interventions Supported by Scientific Evidence for Substance Abuse Treatment, Harm Reduction and Prevention. The report provides an overview of existing best practices in substance abuse and addictions service delivery.